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Manufacturing By The Numbers

Manufacturing by the Numbers | A profile of New York's Manufacturing Sector

This report illustrates the role of manufacturing in the New York State and U.S. economies by focusing on jobs and payroll data.  Manufacturing employment has been on a steady decline in the U.S. for decades, due to increased efficiency and automation within industrial firms and significant competition from foreign competitors, among other factors.  New York’s manufacturing sector has experienced the same pressures, but the sector’s decline in New York has outpaced the national job loss. For example, from 2001 to 2018, U.S. manufacturing employment fell by 22.8 percent, while falling by 36.8 percent in New York, more than a 50 percent greater decline here.

Funded By

Funding for this report was provided by The Public Policy Institute of New York State, Inc.


Ken Pokalsky | Vice President, The Business Council of New York State, Inc. | October 2019


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